Cordia sebestena

Common name: Red cordia

Other common names: Geiger tree, Scarlet cordia

Names in non-English languages: Spanish


This flowering tree has a natural range that extends from Mexico to Panama in Central America and from southern Florida to the islands of the northern Caribbean. It is commonly a small tree 3 to 5 meters tall, with exceptional specimens reaching up to 10 meters.


The fruit is reported to be edible but has a thin pulp and is classed as a minor fruit.


Grows naturally in sub-humid to moderately humid tropical coastal climates, generally in areas with average annual low temperatures of 19 to 25 °C, average annual high temperatures of 28 to 34 °C and annual rainfall of 800 to 1800 mm, with a dry season of 3 to 7 months.


Grows best in moist, free- to slow-draining sand and loam soils of a slightly acid to moderately alkaline nature, generally with a pH of around of 5.5 to 8.5.

Problem features

It is assessed to be a low weed risk species for Hawaii by the Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) project.

Where it grows


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