Colocasia esculenta

Common name: Taro

Other common names: Badoo, Coco, Cocoyam, Dasheen, Eddo, Eddoe, Elephant's ear, Tahitian spinach

Names in non-English languages: Philippines French Spanish Thailand German China


A native of Southeast Asia, this big-leaved water plant yields large tubers that are cooked as a vegetable and the heart-shaped leaves are featured in many tropical gardens.


The flesh may be white, cream coloured or even lavender, turning purplish or grey when cooked.


Grows without irrigation and produces large, edible tubers in humid to very humid tropical lowland to mid-elevation climates, generally in areas with average annual low temperatures of 17 to 25 °C, average annual high temperatures of 26 to 34 °C and annual rainfall of 2500 to 4000 mm. It is also known to grow well and be productive in areas with annual rainfall of less than 2500 mm when on the banks of a watercourse, or on permanently flooded or wet soil.

Where it grows


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